
Bronte Crop Blazer - Ladies

The uniforms dilemma: Stock uniforms vs. custom-made

In the professional world, uniforms play a pivotal role in conveying a sense of identity and unity within a team or organisation. When it comes to outfitting your staff, the decision between ordering stock uniform garments and investing in custom-made items is a critical one. Each option comes with its own set of pros and…

Indie Long Sleeve Shirt Mens

Re-thinking Office Wear and Business-Casual Uniforms

Re-thinking Office Wear and Business-Casual Uniforms The history of office wear has always been a formal one. But times, as they say, are changing.  Office wear historically represents the seriousness of a business. The business uniform, the standard sombre suit, was meant to reflect the seriousness of the business.  Customers of, say, the 50s expected…